Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sleepy family

Today we took the dogs to the dog park and there was a semi-aggressive dog there. He kept growling at Stubbs so we left. He had the hair on his back stand up and tail straight up. He was showing all the signs of a dog that in my opinion should not be brought to a dog park. He was walking up to them and growling. My dogs didn't voluntarily go near him after the first growl. We were there alone for about 15 minutes so the dogs did get a nice walk in. They seem to fail to understand.."You are off the leash..GO RUN!"

I am really happy Stubbs and Kaylee have bonded. They are actively playing now and seem to get along great. Once in a while I stop the playing when it gets a bit rough for the house, but overall things are working out great.

Eric and I also went to get his haircut and grocery shopping. To be quite honest we are both beat and so are the dogs. I am thinking its the heat. It is like 95 degrees out today.

Oh and my car broke on Friday! I have a rental now and I am anxiously awaiting to drive a stick shift again. Automatics truly do suck.