Friday, May 9, 2014


I thought Shakeology deserved it's own post. First and foremost Beachbody is a MLM company. Some people refer to them as pyramid schemes. This means that people buy into them and resell their products. It is EXTREMELY difficult to find a non-biased review due to this.

I am in no way affiliated with Beachbody. I'm not a coach, and I don't make money from them. Hell I just started working out to Beachbody videos 5 days ago so I really have no vested interest. I did however really want to try it.

The reason Shakeology interested me so much was the ingredients. It does not have the same ingredients as other protein drinks I have had in the past or read about online. It also wasn't filled with artificial sweeteners or sugar which I really loved. I am not looking for a protein drink as much as a nutritional supplement. I found a few other Meal Replacement shakes that happen to be vegan that did come close to the ingredient list from Garden of Life.

I still couldn't help wanting to try Shakeology, but I wasn't going to fork over $120 for a taste. I found a Beachbody coach and purchased the sample pack from her. Hey if I can help someone else make some money so be it.


I tried Greenberry first because I read it was the worst. Recipe below:

1/2 cup unsweetend Almond Milk
1/2 banana
1/4 cup frozen mango
water and ice to thin it out
Blended it up in my Vitamix

The best way to describe it was it tasted "healthy". It didn't taste bad, but I wouldn't refer to it as the most delicious shake I've ever had either. As I was drinking it I started liking it more and more. I tend to like the way protein bars taste. You know when someone says "Yuck, it tasted like vitamins!" Well I'm the person that will say oooo Yum to that product. I guess I like the way vitamins taste. In any case, if it can do what they say it can (very skeptical), I'd buy it. I'm also going to try the shake from Garden of Life.

Does anyone know of any other protein/meal replacement/nutritional supplement shakes without artificial sweeteners? If so; please let me know.

Losing the baby weight

Long time no post... It's been 2 years since I last updated. I cannot believe how many things have changed since then.

-New House
-Got a Vitamix! (It is really life changing. I LOVE IT!)

Here I am still complaining about losing this baby weight and my son turned 18 months on the 6th. It has been a year and half since I had him I am still carrying 30 lbs of extra baby weight. It's not like I was super skinny before, so yea, this sucks! I have been procrastinating buying clothes, bra, underwear, etc all because I do not want to buy a bigger size. It's depressing and the only person holding me back is me. Kinda sad when you think about it. I am my own worst enemy. 

I decided to make a change on Sunday. I had purchased the ChaLEAN Extreme workout program in 2012 and used it twice? I made the decision to start doing it ASAP. The problem is that the cardio videos were way too long. I got Focus T25 and made a hybrid workout schedule that will work for me: 

Yup! I'm HOT! Literally. 
This means I need to take at most 40 minutes for myself each day. This is of course after working all day, commuting 1 hour each way, making dinner, talking the dogs and baby for a walk, bath time, baby bedtime routine, and ME time. Then TV time with the hubby hopefully some game time and bed by 9:30pm EST. It's slightly crammed, but I'm making it work.  I'll even post a picture of me all red faced and tired, but still smiling!!

My husband even started joining me on the ChaLEAN workouts. It makes it more fun to watch him suffer too. :) I am excited to take this baby weight loss journey. Not because I love to torture myself or exercising, but to prove to myself that I can do it.