Friday, January 29, 2010

Rawr I finally went. :)
Rawr I finally went. :)

Thursday, January 28, 2010


I have always wanted to be that person that loves going to the gym. Like if I miss a day of working out I feel terrible. I like the gym, I feel good when I go, but I still do not look forward to it. How do you become "that person". Does it happen over time? Have I never given it a chance? Am I just lazy?

I decided I was going to go to the gym today. I packed my gym bag and BAM left it at home. How the hell am I supposed to get the motivation to go home and then leave again and head to the gym. I don't want to leave once I get home. I want to sit in front of my computer or TV and relax. Cally had a great comment on Facebook shopping instead. Now I am thinking I will go to the store and buy a cute gym outfit. After I purchase it...I will change into my brand new workout clothes and head to the gym. I can just leave my work clothes in the car.

I cannot believe I am this lazy and UNmotivated to work out. I would rather spend money then just pick up my gym bag at my house.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Long boring meetings are long and boring FYI.
Lunch..Soup and  Half Sandwich
Lunch..Soup and Half Sandwich


I am not really a "blogger", but everybody else it doing it so i'll give it a go. Yup...don't really have much to say when not in person or on the phone. I mean I created a twitter account used that like twice. I barely even make Facebook updates. This is a very positive start to blogging --> complaining about it. That is probably the reason I don't make updates. I feel like they would just be complaints and I don't want to come off as miserable. Whelp until I have something more interesting to say......