Thursday, January 28, 2010


I have always wanted to be that person that loves going to the gym. Like if I miss a day of working out I feel terrible. I like the gym, I feel good when I go, but I still do not look forward to it. How do you become "that person". Does it happen over time? Have I never given it a chance? Am I just lazy?

I decided I was going to go to the gym today. I packed my gym bag and BAM left it at home. How the hell am I supposed to get the motivation to go home and then leave again and head to the gym. I don't want to leave once I get home. I want to sit in front of my computer or TV and relax. Cally had a great comment on Facebook shopping instead. Now I am thinking I will go to the store and buy a cute gym outfit. After I purchase it...I will change into my brand new workout clothes and head to the gym. I can just leave my work clothes in the car.

I cannot believe I am this lazy and UNmotivated to work out. I would rather spend money then just pick up my gym bag at my house.

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