Thursday, March 19, 2015

ISO Pampering!

Pampering? I remember what it was. I did it often before I had a child. Do I need it? Yes, Please!

This has been the worst week. My DS decided to become a different child during our morning routine.

Day 1 - "Milk!" You want milk sweetie? "NO!" Alright, I will continue doing what I am doing and just pour the milk anyway. I don't let him near it until he asks for it. DS sees it..."Milk Peese!" Ok, sweetie here you go. He no longer wants it and pours the milk all over the table. UGH! Time out he goes.
Day 2 - Exact same!
Day 3 - Momma caught on and used a sippy cup with a lid. Crisis avoided! DS refused to eat breakfast and screamed and cried all morning instead.

I know it doesn't read like much, but I miss my son when I'm at work and enjoy every minute I get to spend with him. I love(d) our mornings. They are usually quite pleasant and fun. I get kisses and hugs and leave for work and all is well.

This week however just was so stressful. He decided to push boundaries which is normal for a two year old, but Mommy is less patient during the week. I get up at 5:30am; shower; make breakfast; pack lunches; run out of the house and commute 1 hour in traffic. I don't deal as well with boundary pushing as I do on the weekends.

I decided I needed Pampering. I have been hearing about Lush, but had no idea what it was.  I went to Lush on my lunch break...I was a Lush virgin when I went in and a Lush addict when I left. I love the stuff. I try to be mostly natural. (I would do a lot more if I didn't work 40 hours a week. I do what I can and hope for the best. I'll get into the things I do to be more "natural" in another blog post.) In any case; Lush was just perfect for me. Everything smelled DELICIOUS, but wasn't overpowering. I have a very sensitive nose. I can't walk into a Yankee Candle and not get a migraine. I can't wear perfume without getting a migraine. I can however lather myself in my Lush Percup massage bar and smell my hands uncontrollably all day and still remain migraine free! This is a huge plus.

My First Lush Haul

  • Mint Julip
  • D'Fluff
  • Ocean Salt
  • Ro's Argan Body Conditioner
  • Bubble Bar - The comforter
  • Bath Bomb - Baby Bot
  • Fun bar
  • Massage Bar - Percup
  • 3 samples

So far I've tried most of my haul and have been completely thrilled with each purchase.

I can't wait for this weekend when I'll actually have time to take a bath with my Bubble bar.

Let the Pampering commence!

Day 4 - Perfect Angel (Today)

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