Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I think I need to start bringing snacks to work. They had ice cream cake today. I am starving and it took every bit of resistance I had to not take a piece of that cake. Only because I am hungry. I like sweets and stuff, but I can resist cake when I'm not starving. Hell I can resist mostly anything when I'm not hungry.

My lunch was a Turkey Sandwich with 1 slice of Lacy Swiss cheese on 90 calorie wheat bread with a cup of soup. Is that not enough? Why am I always so damn hungry? Thank goodness I am starting Good Measure Meals. They tend to hold me over a bit longer and come with a snack. I am not really a night snacker. I barely eat at home. I am most hungry before 6pm. I can usually skip dinner too if I have a big lunch.

I do hate going to the gym hungry. Even though my workout usually makes the hungry feeling go away for bit. Today is Shoulder, Chest, and Tricep day!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

IPhone os4 is so much faster! Even on my slow as 3G.

Getting healthy...again!!

Eric and I started going to the gym together on Saturday. I've gain like 6lbs and it is driving me crazy, so I am really excited because this will keep me motivated. I started taking some supplements to help me along the way.

Green Tea Extract
Cayenne Pepper Extract
Apple Cider Vinegar
Fish Oils

Each of them is pretty natural. The CLA is found in meat and cheese's but you can't get as much from food. This one I am definitely skeptical about, but I decided to give it a shot.

I'll know if they work or not because I've been doing this a year or so and can't get below a certain weight. If these get me over that...YAY.

Also, I am going to start on Good Measure Meals again. I really like the food and it always helps to get the weight to start coming off.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Blah boring meeting.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Sick of being sick!