Thursday, February 25, 2010

On my way with Joey to pickup his new car.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ditto to yesterdays update....sloooow day. Maybe I just don't want to work this week.

World of Warcraft Account Cancelled

It's true! I canceled my WoW account again. I got bored with it and stopped playing. I am not going to pay $15 a month for a game I am not playing. I am currently dabbling with Aion. Let's see how long that can keep my attention. Aion is so gorgeous. I mean I really love playing it cause its so pretty. I'm sure i'll start getting ganked and eventually hate that too, but we'll see. I hope I can get 6 months out of it.

Non-Gaming Stuffs...

I have been going to the gym still. I have not slacked there. I did cut it down to 3 days a week and on Saturdays I can do any cardio type thing I want. Walking Kaylee, swimming, DDR2, treadmill, etc. I just want to make sure I get 3 days a week w/ STR + Cardio at the gym.

Eric and I are trying to plan a vacation in March. My suggestion....Las Vegas! I need to renew my passport and he doesn't have one so we have to stay in the USA. We have been to Disney 3x in the last 2 years. I figured it was time for a change. Vegas has tons of shows and shopping along with gambling. I don't gamble and neither does he, but I'm sure we can find plenty to do.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

So pretty this morning.
So pretty this morning.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Feeling great...

Finally working out is making me feel great. I 100% blame bad personal trainers for my lack of understanding of how great you can feel after working out. They always pushed me beyond my limits so instead of feeling great I felt like the walking dead. I was always in so much pain and so tired I ended up quitting.

Now my personal trainer is my mom. No she is not here, but she setup my routine. I use machines and try to be really careful about form. I write down everything I do and report back. I even report my heart rate to her. Oh and man can I sleep like a rock. By 10pm all energy is gone and I just pass out and don't even toss and turn anything. I just wake up to my alarm thinking wow I don't even remember falling asleep.

All in all lately I have been feeling pretty great!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Good Morning Monday!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Jackie and Nora
Jackie and Nora

Thursday, February 4, 2010


So I feel really great today. My whole body is a bit sore. My legs are still too sore in my opinion and I now am 100% they were over worked. They are are sore as they were on Monday and it's Thursday. I did legs on Sunday! Trainers are bad in my opinion. Do they think...Hey if I cripple this person they will Totally pay for training?

I've been eating pretty healthy this week. Today however I got a Starbucks coffee bottle and saw 170 calories which is not too shabby. Then after I finished the whole bottle I saw there were 2 servers per bottle. 340 calories! UGH!!!! That is more than my breakfast and my lunch. What's done is done, but I was fooled and will always remember not to skim labels READ them.
I feel great today. Yes, my legs do still hurt like hell, but now so does the rest of my body. :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My legs...

I worked out with a trainer on Sunday. I think she pushed me a bit too hard since my legs are supposed to hurt, but crawling down the stairs this morning means it is possible it's a bit too much. I like the pain from working out, but come on now.

Another thing I have changed this week is eating fresh food > processed food. Instead of a Lean Cuisine for lunch I have chicken I grilled last night with some cauliflower. I also did not eat a Lean Pocket for breakfast. I made myself some egg beaters with turkey sausage and an english muffin. I hope reducing the sodium and processed foods + working out will push me out of the plateau.

Today I will be going to the gym and just doing cardio to warm up my legs. Then I am totally hitting the hot tub to relax my sore sore muscles.