Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Feeling great...

Finally working out is making me feel great. I 100% blame bad personal trainers for my lack of understanding of how great you can feel after working out. They always pushed me beyond my limits so instead of feeling great I felt like the walking dead. I was always in so much pain and so tired I ended up quitting.

Now my personal trainer is my mom. No she is not here, but she setup my routine. I use machines and try to be really careful about form. I write down everything I do and report back. I even report my heart rate to her. Oh and man can I sleep like a rock. By 10pm all energy is gone and I just pass out and don't even toss and turn anything. I just wake up to my alarm thinking wow I don't even remember falling asleep.

All in all lately I have been feeling pretty great!

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