Wednesday, February 17, 2010

World of Warcraft Account Cancelled

It's true! I canceled my WoW account again. I got bored with it and stopped playing. I am not going to pay $15 a month for a game I am not playing. I am currently dabbling with Aion. Let's see how long that can keep my attention. Aion is so gorgeous. I mean I really love playing it cause its so pretty. I'm sure i'll start getting ganked and eventually hate that too, but we'll see. I hope I can get 6 months out of it.

Non-Gaming Stuffs...

I have been going to the gym still. I have not slacked there. I did cut it down to 3 days a week and on Saturdays I can do any cardio type thing I want. Walking Kaylee, swimming, DDR2, treadmill, etc. I just want to make sure I get 3 days a week w/ STR + Cardio at the gym.

Eric and I are trying to plan a vacation in March. My suggestion....Las Vegas! I need to renew my passport and he doesn't have one so we have to stay in the USA. We have been to Disney 3x in the last 2 years. I figured it was time for a change. Vegas has tons of shows and shopping along with gambling. I don't gamble and neither does he, but I'm sure we can find plenty to do.

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