Monday, February 21, 2011

Funday Monday :)

I had a great weekend. Eric and I just gamed. It was awesome and relaxing which is exactly what I needed. We were playing the Rift beta.  I am 100% happy with this pre-order purchase.  I really hope it can keep me interested longer than a few months. I took some screenshots.

We were totally bad and didn't go to the gym at all this weekend.  BAD Jackie, BAD Eric! I am going to go tonight or tomorrow.  Tonight I have to go grocery shopping, so I'm leaning towards tomorrow. I also think I am going to Whole Foods tonight for grocery shopping. I just love the produce section there! I am however scared I will not be able to keep my bill below $100 if I shop at Whole Foods, but we'll see.

I get my new cell phone today!!! "Estimated delivery    Feb 21, 2011 by 3:00 PM" WOOT! I jumped on the Andriod bandwagon. I cannot wait to get my hands on my Moto Atrix w/ front facing camera and it's a dual core processor. The 3 best reasons for switching to Andriod are:
1- I get to delete iTunes!
2- I get to delete iTunes!
3- Did I mention I can delete iTunes?

Last but not least Eric and I have Thursday and Friday off this week. :) YAY for 3 day work weeks.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog...I feel even more connected. I have a Moto Droid 2 the special R2-D2 version. Hehe. I never knew you hated iTunes so much. I thought you were an avid iPod-er?
