Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy Saint Patty's Day

 I made Beef Wellington last night with a side of herb and butter rice. It came out pretty good.  I didn't use the cut of meat you were supposed to, but really it's all about the pastry anyway. I was tasty and Eric and I loved it. I packed a to go box for him so he can have it tonight again for dinner.  Then I realized I don't have anything to eat for dinner tonight. PB & J it is while Eric has left over Beef Wellington.

I got the horrible news that my laptop has been delayed until 3/29/11.  Seriously?!? It's already been over a month Dell! Ugh. I kinda want to cancel the order, but hell if I buy a new laptop who knows how long i'll have to wait for it.

 Today is St. Patty's day. I am Italian and probably part Irish, but I am Italian at heart. I am however dating a McCoy which in the future will be my last name. I decided being a future McCoy means I should get all dolled up. I did my hair curly and even wore green eye shadow. I wish you could see it better in the pictures.

I sent my McCoy an IM this morning and of course he isn't wearing green. I'm obviously better at being Irish than he is.

Yay....I just made plans to go to the hockey game with some of the HR chics from work. I'm excited. I never get to hang out with girls.

Hmmmm...Yesterday I bought a bunch of cute eye shadows from Coastal Scents.

Mirage Palette

Warm Palette

It was like $50 for 176 eye shadows! They are about a dime size which is plenty to play with and lots of variety.

Then I went a bit crazy at E.L.F. $40 at E.L.F is A LOT! Everything is like $1-$3. Today I have to try and resist buying a bunch of crap from Folica.

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