Thursday, May 19, 2011

To be or not to be....

...a vegetarian.

I am dumb. I watched a video on animal slaughter and was ready to become a vegetarian. I understand that we have billions of people to feed in this world and it's hard to kill an animal in a nice way, but we have to change something. It's just life long suffering and then we kill them in the most brutal way. It's like the people doing the killing forget they are living things. It should be a quick and swift death, not long drawn out and painful. I don't know I just was disgusted with what I saw.

I thought to myself...Hey I was vegan for quite a while when I was younger! It's really not a big deal to not eat meat. I like it, but I like vegetarian food too. I can do this! I use soy milk in my coffee already. Then I looked down at my prized possession...My Coach purse is made of leather!!!! Not just that, I have leather seats in my car, the gummy vitamins made with gelatin that I eat every morning, and much more. How can I say to myself...I won't eat meat because of animal cruelty, but look at my new Coach purse! :-/

I feel I try to do my part. For the most part all my body products are not tested on animals. I used body wash that is from the Body Shop. My face creams and shampoo's are Aveda. I use mostly 7th gen products for cleaning and I try to bring reusable bags grocery shopping.

Does every little bit truly help?

My manager said to just do my best. Whatever made me feel better is what I should do. That's what Eric said too. I just don't want to be labeled a hypocrite.  I don't eat meat, but by golly I wear it! Dammit....

Friday, March 25, 2011


I'm awesome.
I don't really have a lot of time during the week to play Rift.  When I finally get around to it I just don't feel like leveling my main. I tend to reserve that for the weekends.  I don't mind leveling alts or playing in warfronts though.

Eric and I hit level 40 last weekend and now I am a lowbie. I still rocked it out as #1 healer in a warfront and held the fang the longest :)

My Chloro Azzy

Then I got bored and decided to play my baby Defiant Chloro.  She's too cute.  At like 9:00pm I was wiped and went to bed. 

I normally don't post about gaming. I have in the past, but try to keep it very nonchalant. None of my friends in FL are geeks. They know that I game, but I wonder if they truly know how geeky I am. I guess I've always tried to keep that side of me hidden from them, but fuck it. This is who I am. I love gaming. 

Yup, most people will call me a loser or a dork (even at work), but I really don't give a shit.  I am a geek...not a dork. I like playing games and watching SciFi. I really like going to DragonCon too. If I had the money I would totally go to Comic-con also. I don't dress up for the con's...I have my limits. I work on Linux for god sakes if that doesn't scream GEEK I don't know what does.  

Friends that read this.... I'm a geek. If you already knew that and still love me YAY! For those that didn't know how geeky I was, now you do. I play games in a Virtual world and totally love it. I also like Star Treks, Gates, and most stuff on the SyFy channel.

I can even make the "duck face".

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Love her voice

I'm not a huge Glee fan. I definitely like the show, but no more or less than any other show.  I do however love love this performance.  Lea Michele is so talented. I absolutely love her voice. Even if you aren't a big Glee fan; you should watch this performance.

New eyeshadow

I got my Coastal Scents eyeshadow's yesterday.  I used them today.  The pigment is pretty good for $0.28 per eyeshadow. I have zero complaints.  I use MAC primer so my eyeshadow will normally last all day. Hopefully this one does too.

I really love all the options I have now. I used the mirage palette this morning. Tomorrow the warm and with 176 to choose from I am completely satisfied.

Coastal Scent Mirage Palette gets about an 8 from me. They are not as great as MAC eyeshadow's, but for the price and what you get they are well pigmented with A LOT of options.

Monday, March 21, 2011

I did my makeup today.  My hair was done from the salon, so I decided what the hell...why not.  I really do want to do my makeup and hair more often.  I am definitely a very causal person. Jeans and sneakers are just so comfortable. I've always wanted to be the type of woman that gets up in the morning and looks like a professional stylist has been to her house at 5am.  Soon I will be a casual version of that. :)

I used to only do my hair and makeup when I went out, but since I don't go out much anymore I just never ended up wearing makeup at all.

Over that last few months I have started doing my hair before work and I really love it. Now I am taking the next step and doing my make up.  I was wearing eyeliner and mascara and that's about it. I think I am going to start doing eyeshadow too. I never wear foundation. Most of the time just a light powder to take away the shiny.

I guess at age 30 I am trying to reinvent myself. Not a huge change, but just enough. Today is start of new Jackie that wears makeup.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy Saint Patty's Day

 I made Beef Wellington last night with a side of herb and butter rice. It came out pretty good.  I didn't use the cut of meat you were supposed to, but really it's all about the pastry anyway. I was tasty and Eric and I loved it. I packed a to go box for him so he can have it tonight again for dinner.  Then I realized I don't have anything to eat for dinner tonight. PB & J it is while Eric has left over Beef Wellington.

I got the horrible news that my laptop has been delayed until 3/29/11.  Seriously?!? It's already been over a month Dell! Ugh. I kinda want to cancel the order, but hell if I buy a new laptop who knows how long i'll have to wait for it.

 Today is St. Patty's day. I am Italian and probably part Irish, but I am Italian at heart. I am however dating a McCoy which in the future will be my last name. I decided being a future McCoy means I should get all dolled up. I did my hair curly and even wore green eye shadow. I wish you could see it better in the pictures.

I sent my McCoy an IM this morning and of course he isn't wearing green. I'm obviously better at being Irish than he is.

Yay....I just made plans to go to the hockey game with some of the HR chics from work. I'm excited. I never get to hang out with girls.

Hmmmm...Yesterday I bought a bunch of cute eye shadows from Coastal Scents.

Mirage Palette

Warm Palette

It was like $50 for 176 eye shadows! They are about a dime size which is plenty to play with and lots of variety.

Then I went a bit crazy at E.L.F. $40 at E.L.F is A LOT! Everything is like $1-$3. Today I have to try and resist buying a bunch of crap from Folica.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Eggs with onions, peppers, and mushrooms with a side of turkey bacon and low calorie toast with light butter and jelly.
Eggs with onions, peppers, and mushrooms with a side of turkey bacon and low calorie toast with light butter and jelly.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Eric and I went out to eat at Olive Garden last night. Yum! I did 11.25 miles on the bike machine at the gym so I don't feel as guilty as I normally would. divajackie's Activities | RunKeeper

After dinner we went to the mall. I needed some new shampoo. I currently use Blue Malva from Aveda to keep my blond..well blond. I hate when my hair gets brassy.  The problem is Blue Malva dries out my hair, but I love it. I needed a better shampoo to alternate with.  Since I dye my hair blond, blow dry, and flat iron my hair I bought Damage Remedy shampoo and conditioner. I am also reading about keratin treatments, but not the kind with formaldehyde. I found a few on Folica  (best site ever btw) that I may purchase.  I'll post a review about the Aveda shampoo once I actually use it. 

While I was at Aveda I decided to get a face cream as well. Since I am aging, no i'm not saying i'm old, just aging. I decided to get Green Science face firming cream.  I used it last night and my skin is so soft today.  I really hope it helps to smooth out the lines on my forehead that Eric doesn't seem to believe exist.  I can see them!  After Aveda we went to The Body Shop. I love their body wash, scrubs, and butters.  

I walk up with my $8 body wash and the girl says, "Everything in the store is buy 3 get 2 free". Obviously that means my $8 purchase turned to a $33 purchase, but whatever. Also, this girl is my absolute favorite person on earth. We were talking about something and age (She was like 18). I told her about the cream I got from Aveda. She said why do you need that? I asked how old did she think I was. She said...."You can't be any older than like 22 or 23". I love that girl! I told her I was 30 and she was literally blown away. Yay for always using face cream and getting a good night sleep. That girl totally made my night. :)

After we got home we watched V and Fringe and then I just went to bed. It was 11pm because of the time change, but I was really going to bed at 10pm on a Saturday night. Yes, I'm boring, but I look young. 

Time to go make breakfast. I have to take the dogs to the vet in an hour. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Yummy lunch

Turkey with sprouts and low fat chive cc on an everything bagel thin (100 cal) with a side of carrots with spinach and artichoke yogurt dip and a berry La Croix.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Super busy girl

That would be my super hero name this week! Super Busy Girl :) I don't even have the extra time to be writing in my blog, but you have to draw the line somewhere. Between client's getting DDoS'ed, servers not booting, hacked clients, and just all the little things I am done with this week already. Oh yea I have to do 30 QA's. Seriously when does it end? These past 2 weeks have been brutal.

In other news..I'm planning a trip down to FL to meet baby Christopher and see Steffy.  I am thinking last weekend in March first weekend of April. We'll see.

Back to work!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Veggie burrito scramble


2 eggs, onions, peppers, and mushrooms on a low carb whole wheat tortilla.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


I'm addicted to applications on my Atrix. I was never like this with my iPhone. I barely ever picked the thing up other than to check Facebook once in a while.  I don't think an hour has gone by in few days (other than when I am sleeping) that I haven't picked up my Atrix. No wonder the battery isn't lasting as long!  I bought a car dock and charger for it too! So excited!

Ebay ended up paying me $405 for my old iPhone 4. Yup, $405 for a used iPhone. I paid $200 for it and $200 for the Atrix. That means I basically got both phones for free. Yay for me :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Long weekend

Eric and I took off Thursday and Friday for the Rift Head Start. Yes, we are geeks, but it's also nice to have a long weekend together. 1 hour and 15 minutes until we can play!!!

I got my Motorola Atrix on Monday. I love it! It's a really awesome phone. You can do so much with it. By Tuesday am Joey dropped it in his coffee and broke it. Luckily we went to AT&T and they replaced it for me. These are the times when I love AT&T. In all honesty I haven't really had many issues with them. Anyway, I got my new new Atrix on Tuesday and have been playing with ever since. It's all setup, customized, and backed up now. Yay for backups! Don't want to have to do that again.

Oh yea...I bought a new laptop. I didn't get the Alienware, cause well, it was just way too expensive. I bought one of the new Dell XPS laptops with the new i7 processors. It's hot, cheaper, and has a better screen. The video card is not at fast, but it will play the games I need it to play. I didn't have to sacrifice CPU speed, RAM, or disk space to get a laptop I could afford like I had to with the Alienware. It also has a pretty skin.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Funday Monday :)

I had a great weekend. Eric and I just gamed. It was awesome and relaxing which is exactly what I needed. We were playing the Rift beta.  I am 100% happy with this pre-order purchase.  I really hope it can keep me interested longer than a few months. I took some screenshots.

We were totally bad and didn't go to the gym at all this weekend.  BAD Jackie, BAD Eric! I am going to go tonight or tomorrow.  Tonight I have to go grocery shopping, so I'm leaning towards tomorrow. I also think I am going to Whole Foods tonight for grocery shopping. I just love the produce section there! I am however scared I will not be able to keep my bill below $100 if I shop at Whole Foods, but we'll see.

I get my new cell phone today!!! "Estimated delivery    Feb 21, 2011 by 3:00 PM" WOOT! I jumped on the Andriod bandwagon. I cannot wait to get my hands on my Moto Atrix w/ front facing camera and it's a dual core processor. The 3 best reasons for switching to Andriod are:
1- I get to delete iTunes!
2- I get to delete iTunes!
3- Did I mention I can delete iTunes?

Last but not least Eric and I have Thursday and Friday off this week. :) YAY for 3 day work weeks.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Mobile Post

Nora :) Queen of the stuffed animals.
Nora :) Queen of the stuffed animals.

Rift on my XPS Laptop

Rift Laptop - Picasa Web Albums

Does it really look that terrible?


I ate a homewrecker from Moe's today for lunch.  Was it way too many calories? Yes. Do I care right now? No. It was tasty and I'm going to the gym later or at least tomorrow :)

new laptop...or not

I really really wanted to get a new laptop. Why? Because I'm spoiled and I like new stuff, or because i'm a gamer and to keep up with games you need a new PC about every 2 years or so. Since I have a Dell Account and they are offering no interest for 12 months I was looking into Alienware laptops.  I love my PC which is a an Alienware, so why not have a laptop too.  I also found out that my company gets a discount with Dell.

I called and specced out:

Alienware M15x, Lunar Shadow
Intel® Core™ i7 740QM Quad Core Processor, 1.73GHz (2.93GHz Turbo Mode, 6M Cache
6GB Memory (1x 2GB, 1x 4GB DDR3)
15.6-inch WideFHD 1920x1080 (1080p) WLED
1.5GB GDDR5 65W NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 460M
Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium, 64bit, English
Slot-Load Dual Layer DVD Burner (DVD+-RW, CD-RW)
Internal High-Definition 5.1 Surround Sound Audio
Wireless 1520 802.11n Half Mini-Card
Internal Bluetooth 2.1 Mini-Card - 2.1 Enhanced Data Rate

Total w/ tax and dell epp discount - $1,745.93

Really not to shabby if you ask me, but I still can't bring myself to buy it. I am just going to stick it out w/ my pink XPS until Dell starts building laptops w/ the 2nd gen i7 processors.  Then that baby should run me like $1,300 and it will be mine.  Until then I will be checking the Dell Outlet store just in case there a "Scratch and Dent" special.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

shitty payday

For that last few years I never noticed that I was still "married" on my paychecks.  Come tax time I ended up owing the IRS...especially now because I have no house.  I updated my forms expecting a hit on my paycheck, but they changed it from 1 to 0 and single not married.  My paycheck is almost $300 smaller!!!  It is fucking awful! I need to change back to 1.  I don't care if I ended up owing some, but seriously I need more money each paycheck. Also, who fucked up at my company or iPay but whoever it is:

1 != 0!!!!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day

I had a great Valentines Day weekend.  Since the day is actually today which is a Monday; Eric and I celebrated this weekend.  My gift was perfect! Yay my bathroom set!
Spring Leaf

I love it!  He also got me Bamboo towels which are super super soft. They are awesome.  I got him a metrosexual tool kit.  Basically I took a loot at every product he uses and upgraded to a better version and put them in manly toolbox. :) I think he liked it. I hope he liked it and wasn't lying.
Before dinner

Sunday morning went to Ria's Bluebird for breakfast. It was super yummy. Then we went to Ruth's Chris for dinner.  Needless to say I am still stuffed from all the great food.

I ordered a new cell phone the Motorola Atrix problem is the order form automatically selected the address on my account; which was my old address. UGH..I tried to cancel the order yesterday, but it wasn't "in the system" yet. I think I may have to stalk my old house to get my new phone, but dammit I will find a way.

Tomorrow starts Rift's open beta which I'm not too sure I should play.  I don't want to get sick of the game before it starts, but I'm soooo done with WoW. I don't even enjoy raiding anymore. Also, Eric is actually going to play Rift with me. So yay for that! I don't really have the time to commit to gaming anymore. I need to be a bit more casual. I have found I am unable to be a casual WoW gamer, so, off to Rift I go!! Plus Rift is really pretty. The characters can use some work, but it's not nearly as bad as like Vanguard.

Damn...I have been here 30 minutes and haven't done any work yet. Time to get cracking on the 231 emails in my inbox.

Friday, February 11, 2011

customers suck...sometimes

UGH...sometimes I just hate my customers. HATE HATE HATE! Why do I have to do the same thing for them over and over and over again when I tell them what I do every time.

"Hey Jackie, we bought a new server can you please make it so we can SSH between the servers."
I reply, "I sure can! I did steps a, b, and c. (explaining exactly what I did)"

2 months later...

Same question...Same answer. I want to say, "Yup I'll do EXACTLY what I did the last 4x here are the step-by-step instructions AGAIN." I get really sick and tired of repeating myself.

I do love my job and I don't mind helping people. I actually kind of like it. The problem I have isn't that they are asking for help. I don't mind when people ask for help with an actual issue. I have a problem doing busy work for my clients because they are too fucking lazy or too stupid to google it.